Communication is the foundation
Teamwork aims at a group of well-organized people: each with their own responsibilities, defined tasks and led by a manager, who guides the efforts of the members. When a group of people work towards a previously planned goal, they not only work together with other individuals, but also commit themselves to the company’s objectives.
Those who are capable of working as a team understand the richness of engaging in adequate human relationships in different moments of life. In order to master the how, why and what in order to achieve goals, team members must master communication. This is not to say everyone needs to become a “talker”, but rather have the ability that involves knowing how to talk, discuss and criticize business matters. In the business world, criticism is often perceived negatively, but constructive criticism is essential in any field that requires creativity, innovation and problem solving.
It is in this way that communication becomes the foundation of teamwork and the ability to manage work teams is recognized in those who understand and properly handle the art of getting along with all people.
In order to communicate, it is necessary to be able to listen to others first. Critical thinking is the fundamental tool to understand the message that others want to convey, taking into account who they are and analyzing with a different point of view. Discussions are held with the purpose of understanding the position of others and of oneself in order to broaden the vision.
People who know how to work as a team are interested in knowing the arguments of others and recognize the value of discussing different ideas that produce benefits and not impose their ideas, but enrich them through the contributions of all team members and accept when others have better or different ideas. The key is not to impose but to understand and reach agreements with humility.Those who learn to work in a team do not participate in silly discussions that don’t lead to positive actions.
Teamwork involves uniting knowledge, skills and values of the member in favor of everyone and with it, each individual learns from the other and corrects their own mistakes, strengthens weaknesses and discovers strengths that lead to team growth. The learning process consists of the team members learning to become aware of their own performance. This allows us to form teams capable of investigating and analyzing complex and conflictive issues through learning to reflect and act simultaneously.
The basic conditions for the dialogue
- Be aware of our ideas, opinions, prejudices, needs, etc. Do not adopt rigid thoughts that make us feel obligated to defend them.
- Consider others consciously as colleagues establishing equal ties that allow the flow of ideas. It is essential to learn to see adversaries as colleagues with other perspectives, exchanging thought forms in a relaxed and respectful way that helps us to stop the feelings of anger that commonly occur when people do not have the discipline to maintain the open mind.
- Engage in symmetrical relationships where the idea of superiority and / or subordination is avoided. The relationships where individuals are shown as equals. This applies to team leaders also.
- Teams that are new to communication need a mediator that maintains the context of the dialogue.
Having a common goal becomes an indispensable condition for teamwork. Those who know where they are going and what they want to achieve, optimize energies and avoid wasting them.
Communication is necessary to build trust, and learning to communicate leads to learning more about ourselves, allowing us to recognize our thoughts as we exchange ideas with others.
Sharing knowledge both theoretical and experiences, allows people who have learned to communicate to understand the problems and thus seek the best solutions.
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